New Videos from Starz and TV Guide Magazine

A new behind the scenes type video that features the beauty of bonny Scotland. There are a few new shots/clips of scenes we haven’t seen before as well.

My favorite shots of Claire are these:

Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 10.54.55 AM Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 10.55.16 AMMore rich, gorgeous costumes by Terry and Scotland doesn’t need to be dressed up at all. It just is. Grand, mesmerizing, stoic, enchanting. I’m so glad they are really giving Scotland it’s due because it really is a character in this story.

Our Lovely couple also graces the cover of TV Guide magazine this week. They released a cute video of them from the photo shoot.

I believe the magazine goes on sale today (8/7) so pick up yours!



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